EP39: Aussie Supercross Show: More Starts = More Action

The Mental4Moto Aussie SX Show, brought to you by Graphics By Aqua

The "Triple Crown" at Round 3 of the Fox Australian Supercross Championship in Wollongong produced one of the most spectacular nights of racing ever. 

The formula of "more starts = more action" will now be put to the test as we head towards this weekend's 3-day event in Adelaide, where riders in the premiere classes are set to go bar-to-bar over four separate "sprint" races. 

For this episode we've put together a monster show, catching up with Connor Guillot, Sam Larsen, Seth Burchall and Elijah Weise, as well as co-host Zane Mackintosh, to break down all of the action from the 'Gong, and what we might expect when the Aussie Supercross Championship hits "Radelaide" for Round 4. 


EP40: Aussie Supercross Show - Radelaide and the countdown to AUSX!


EP38: Aussie Supercross Show: Best season ever?