EP25: Peter Stevens VIC MX Preview

This year, Mental4Moto has partnered with the Inside Dirt Network to bring you a Recap Show after every round of the 2024 Victorian Motocross Championship, proudly brought to you by Peter Stevens and presented by Moto Cred

With both the Junior and Senior rounds of the Victorian MX Championship about kick off over the coming weeks, Dean Mosig once again joins me in-studio to talk about the series, what it means to the sport, and preview the tracks and riders we can expect to see racing this prestigious event.

I also catch up with the man behind the Inside Dirt Network, Joe Stevens, for a quick chat about some of the things that he's been working on, and how the idea for the Vic MX Recap Show came about. 


EP26: Peter Stevens VIC MX Recap Show - Junior Rd.1 Cobram


EP24: Going Off Track!