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EP16: Industry Guest - Mick Sinclair

With the 2023 Aussie Supercross about to kick off in Radelaide, joining me in studio for this episode is one of the key players pulling the strings behind scenes – General Manager of AME – Mick Sinclair.

Mick’s been putting out a bunch of media over the last few weeks, giving updates on the range of great initiatives AME have cooked up for the 2023 Championship, which is looking to be just the first step in a bright new era of Aussie Supercross. We’ll of course be touching on not only what those initiatives are, but also the reasons behind how and why they came about. 

In addition to his work on this year's Aussie Supercross Championship, Mick’s spent the last two decades working with moto-industry icons such as Crusty Demons of Dirt, Nitro Circus, Fox Australia, Peter Stevens Harley Heaven and the World Supercross Championship (WSX). So we'll be chatting about all of those things, and get to learn a bit about Mick and his  journey leading up to his current role in the industry.

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