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EP14: Industry Guest - Dean Mosig

This is show #14 of the Mental4Moto podcast, and joining me in-studio for this one is another cool industry guest and just plain rad human, Dean Mosig.

Dean has been around the motocross scene for much of his life. His primary role in the industry for the past 6 years has been  as  a Senior Sales Coordinator and Yamaha Brand Ambassador at Peter Stevens Motorcycles.  On top of this, Dean is also a certified riding coach, content creator, and was recently invited to take part in product testing for the new Yamaha E-MTB, as well as the soon-to-be released Stark Varg E-MX bike. 

As a rider, Dean is a long-time MX1 A-Grade motocross racer, former National-level supercross racer, and now at 32 years of age, just raced his first ever ProMX National in the 30+ class at Coolum in QLD.

Over the course of this episode, Dean shares some of his insight into the industry and we also discuss some spicy topics - on occasion even going down the rabbit hole a bit! From the evolution of electric motorcycles, the mental benefits of riding, motorcycle sales during and post-COVID, the monetization of digital content, media coverage of the sport, the local racing scene, ProMX, Supercross and WSX, and much, much more. 

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